
One Young Man's Ramblings On His Way To Fitness & Financial Freedom

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Start Of Something New

With the new year now in full swing and goals and ambitions flowing forth, I thought now would be a good time to find a way to keep myself motivated as well as finding a way to hold myself accountable.

I'll have more specific posts down the road, so I will keep this one brief and more of an overview than anything specific.

Basically, I'm 28 and I'm about to get married (July 2010). I've struggled with my fitness level every since i graduated university in 2006 and took up Desk Jockeying as a living. My fitness goes up and down, but generally down since that time. Prior to that I was in very good shape through playing basketball in multiple leagues, daily workout sessions, mostly weights.

These days I'm eyeing up the triathlon lifestyle and fitness level. Of course I'll be starting from the ground up, so it will be a long and difficult journey. That being said, I want to do it so that I can be a role model for my future kids.

On the Finance side of things, I've been doing quite a bit since I graduated in spring of 2006. I've made moves in real estate and stocks, for good and bad. At this point I need to start thinking more strategically and long term for security reasons for my family's future.

I'll be posting on both sides of the Finance and Fitness coin. I intend to be extremely open and i hope that through this medium I will hold myself accountable on both accounts.

I look forward to seeing where this can go!

- Huebag